Monday, September 06, 2010

human brain...

in the morning, while you're still in bed, slowly begin to move your toes
– any way that feels good. Wriggle, scrunch, and stretch. Move all your toes up and down several times, or work just your big toes. Wiggling your toes activates nerves that stimulate your brain and internal organs.Do this exercise first thing each morning or after sitting for an extended period of time. It will help you to wake-up and become alert more quickly. Your whole body may feel pleasantly energized. Most important, your first steps – and those throughout the day – will be safer ones. (Falls are the second leading cause of spinal cord and brain injury among people over 65 years old.)

if you want to be excellent in your study just do this step:
  1. walking

When the cognitive abilities of elderly women were compared, those who walked regularly were less likely to experience age-related memory loss and other declines in mental function.

University of California at San Francisco researchers measured the brain function of nearly 6,000 women during an eight-year period. The results were correlated with the women's normal activity level, including their routine walking and stair-climbing.

"In the higher-energy groups, we saw much less cognitive decline," said neurologist Kristine Yaffe, MD. Of the women who walked the least (a half-mile per week), 24% had significant declines in their test scores, compared to only 17% of the most active women (17 miles per week).

It wasn't a matter of all or nothing. "We also found that for every extra mile walked per week there was a 13% less chance of cognitive decline," said Yaffe, who is Chief of Geriatric Psychiatry at the San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center. "So you don't need to be running marathons. The exciting thing is there was a 'dose' relationship which showed that even a little is good but more is better."

"In the higher-energy groups, we saw much less cognitive decline" – a protective effect amounting to as much as 40% – according to Yaffe. "This is an important intervention that all of us can do and it could have huge implications in preventing cognitive decline."

2. exercise

Before enrolling in the trial, and four months later, the cognitive abilities of the participants were tested in four areas: memory, executive functioning, attention/concentration, and psychomotor speed.
Compared to the medication group, the exercisers showed significant improvements in the higher mental processes of memory and in "executive functions" that involve planning, organization, and the ability to mentally juggle different intellectual tasks at the same time.

"What we found so fascinating was that exercise had its beneficial effect in specific areas of cognitive function that are rooted in the frontal and prefrontal regions of the brain," said Blumenthal. "The implications are that exercise might be able to offset some of the mental declines that we often associate with the aging process."

3.mental challenge

Contrary to popular myth, you do not lose mass quantities of brains cells as you get older. "There isn't much difference between a 25-year old brain and a 75-year old brain," says Dr. Monte S. Buchsbaum, who has scanned a lot of brains as director of the Neuroscience PET Laboratory at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

Cognitive decline is not inevitable. When 6,000 older people were given mental tests throughout a ten-year period, almost 70% continued to maintain their brain power as they aged.

Certain areas of the brain, however, are more prone to damage and deterioration over time. One is the hippocampus , which transfers new memories to long-term storage elsewhere in the brain. Another vulnerable area is the basal ganglia, which coordinates commands to move muscles. Research indicates that mental exercise can improve these areas and positively affect memory and physical coordination.

so, this's what i'm kind of study at, human brain... well there's some question of mine that can't be answered yet. next topic is...

the relationship between habit and brain cell... if you who knows the answer please reply this post... my brain always to discover something new... i'm the servant who's wandering about His creation...

Friday, September 03, 2010

Kerana Engkau Insan Terpilih

Aduhai hati yang selalu gundah gulana.. Mengapa perlu difikirkan kehidupan duniawimu. Sedangkan dunia itu sering menipumu. Bukankah kehidupan ini penuh dengan majazi? Tipu daya di sana sini? Maka, hendaklah engkau susun langkahmu penuh hati-hati, Ingatlah, syaitan itu sentiasa tidak mahu mengaku kalah dan tidak pernah putus asa. Setiap saat masanya adalah berharga. Tidak dibiar kosong tanpa menyesatkan adam dan hawa. Lantas, bagaimana engkau masih lagi memikirkan hal duniamu?

Perbanyakkanlah berfikir, renung penuh bererti.. Bagaimana bakal kehidupanmu sewaktu mengadap Tuhan Rabbul ’Izzati..? Selamatkah dirimu di hari yang tiada pelindung melainkanNya? Akan beratkah amal yang akan engkau bawa?

Justeru, renungkanlah duhai diri yang lemah. Agar kehidupanmu di dunia sentiasa waspada..

Semoga, akan hadir dalam hatimu jiwa yang sensitif dengan dosa. Merasakan dosa itu besar sekalipun pada kesilapan sekecil zarah. Ketahuilah.. itulah antara ciri-ciri mereka yang aqrab dengan tuhanNya. Yang punya Ihsan dalam hatinya. Merasa kehadiran Allah dalam setiap sentuhan masa yang ada.. sekalipun mata tidak melihat, tetapi hati menyakini Allah Maha Mlihat.

Untuk apa perlu dirisaukan, aduhai hati yang rawan.. sebuah kehilangan itu hanya secebis dugaan.. dari Tuhan sekalian alam.. Hilang bukan bererti tamatnya sebuah kehidupan, tetapi dengan kehilangan itulah darjatmu ditinggikan. Hairan? Mengapa perlu dihairankan, Allah itu Maha berkuasa, zat yang sempurna penuh keagungan. Lupakah duhai hati, Allah telah berjanji dalam kalamNya Izzati..

”Adakah kamu mengaku beriman, sedangkan kamu belum diuji?”

Maka, hadapilah ujian dengan sejuta kesabaran. Percayalah, yakinlah sepenuh hatimu..

Hanyasanya Allah bersama-sama mereka yang sabar.

Aduhai hati yang penuh kesedihan..
Mengapa perlu ditangisi sebuah perpisahan? Bukankah semua kita akan pergi.. pulang kepangkuan Tuhan. Dialah yang menjadikan.. Dan padaNya jua segalanya akan dikembalikan. Lupakah engkau, hidup di dunia ini sekadar persinggahan. Yang kekal hanyalah amalan sebagai teman. Itulah teman dalam perjalanan menuju sebuah keabadian..

Maka, janganlah engkau lalaikan hatimu dengan kehidupan yang sementara ini. Janganlah engkau tangisi lagi sebuah perpisahan sementara.. akan tetapi, hadapkanlah wajahmu sentiasa kepada Allah.. Penuhkanlah jiwa dan hatimu dengan dzikrullah memuji kebesaranNya. Juga sibukkanlah hari-harimu dengan amalan makruf nahi mungkar, mengikut sunnah kekasihNya.

Yakinlah, barangsiapa yang dihatinya ada Allah, dan mengutamakan Allah atas segala apa yang dilakukannya, Allah akan seiringkan pekerjaannya dengan pertolonganNya. Bekerja keraslah engkau untuk hari esokmu yang abadi. Berbekallah dengan amalan yang menguntungkanmu di sana nanti. Ingatlah, sebaik-baik bekalan adalah taqwa.

Duhai diri yang lemah.. Kembalikanlah hatimu kepada Rab.. Kerana Dia lah pemilik segala yang engkau miliki.. Segalanya hanya pinjaman untuk menguji. Kentalkanlah semangat juangmu. Jadilah seperti syaidatina Aisyah, puterinya Syaidina Abu Bakar..

Walau fitnah mencalar maruah, Dia tetap Aisyah! Walau rumahtangganya di landa badai anggkara si munafiq durjana, tetap teguh pendiriannya, menggunung tawakalnya.
Pada Allah dia berdoa, mengharap furqan agar tenggelam segala nista. Insafilah duhai diri yang lemah, Allah sengaja menguji sekeping hati yang kecil.. sebagai tukaran untuk mendapatkan habuan yang lebih besar kelak.

Maka bersyukurlah..
bersyukurlah.. bersyukurlah kerana engkau insan terpilih.